G.R.E.A.T. offers convenient real estate exam practice and preparations. Our study guides, exam prep tests, real estate exam prep courses, questions and answers are designed to make sure that you do not have any surprises on your real estate exam date. 

Exam Review Session allows you to take an initial assessment and receive feedback on the topics you’ve mastered and need to focus on. You will study lessons by topic and improve your score.

Our exam courses are customized for Guam, so you’ll have a very good idea as to what to expect in the actual exam.



Why take the Exam Review Session?

While the course covers the knowledge your state requires, the exam does not map directly to it. This frequently catches exam goers off guard, causing some to not pass despite of hours of studying. Our Exam Review Session can ease some of the stress and worries associated with taking the actual exam.


What does the Exam Review Session do?

Our inside knowledge of what's covered, combined with our proprietary exam mastery methods, ensure you are truly prepared. G.R.E.A.T. prepares you for the specific topics in Guam’s license exam.



  • Topics Covered Include: Property ownership, valuation and market analysis, financing, transfer of property, standards of conduct, agency/brokerage, contracts, and more!
  • Not for credit


Registration is open.

Exam Review Session allows you to take an initial assessment and receive feedback on the topics you’ve mastered and the ones you need to focus on. 

Our exam courses are customized for Guam, so you’ll have a very good idea as what to expect in the actual exam. 

IMPORTANT: Prior to your registration for the Real Estate Exam, please be certain that you have successfully completed a 30-Hour Pre-licensing Course.


$45/for Exam Review Session